Everyone has that one “thing” that absolutely drives them insane for no rational reason, I believe the same goes for booklovers.
Do you have a bookish pet-peeve?
My biggest one is the size of a book. I cannot do hard cover books that are bigger than a regular paperback size… I won’t even consider reading them. Once again, super irrational, but a pet-peeve at that!
Here are some random bookish pet-peeves from the internet:
- stickers on book covers,
- random words that give the “ick” like munch and moist,
- multiple names for one person,
- the size of the book,
- when the spine is painted,
- different font height,
- cliffhangers,
- cheesy characters or situations,
- the cover design,
- being interrupted.
After seeing these, I bet you can think of one or two that just pull you out of your book mode?!