Ontario Blue Box Transition

As of January 1, 2025, Temiskaming Shores' recycling program will be manages by Circular Materials, a national not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. 

Visit the Blue Box Transition page for additional information. 

Blue Box Transition - City Website

Recycle Coach App

Effective February 28, 2025, due to the recycling transition, properties in Temiskaming Shores will no longer be able to use the Recycle Coach App. The Recycle Coach App allowed properties who received curbside collection to view information on waste and recycling, including the curbside collection schedule.

Recycling information and notifications including residential recycling curbside collection schedule will be provided by Circular Materials. Visit their website at:
Circular Materials - Temiskaming Shores Website

Garbage information and notifications including the curbside collection schedule and municipal landfill operations will be provided by the City of Temiskaming Shores on the city website, Facebook or Instagram. 


The City of Temiskaming Shores has introduced an automated garbage and "single stream" recycling system. This means that you can put all of your recyclable materials into one bin, making it easier to recycle and less garbage will end up in the landfill. This new system will also help save taxpayer dollars and the environment.

2025 Curbside Waste Collection Schedule

Curbside Collection 

Contact the Curbside Collection Contractor, Phippen Waste Management for information on Recycling and Garbage Curbside Collection. 

Phippen Waste Management
Phone | 705-647-6217
Location | 643377 Sunnyside Road, Haileybury, ON

General Information 

  • Place your garbage or recycling bin at the curb between 8:00pm the evening before and 6:30am on your collection day, as pick-up times may vary occasionally without notice.
  • Place your garbage or recyclable bin in a visible location as close as possible to the roadway, but not on a travelled roadway, or in an area that would interfere with pedestrian/ vehicular traffic, mail delivery vehicles, or maintenance operations.
  • Materials placed for roadside collection at ground level should be placed in accordance with the following:
    • Street with concrete/asphalt curb - placed directly behind the curb
    • Street with gravel road shoulders - placed directly on road shoulder
  • The front-side of the bin must face the street and the immediate space around the bin must remain unobstructed (at least 3 feet from an object for the mechanical lift arm used in automated collection). 
  • It is important to keep a safe distance between you and the waste collection truck.  Whether you are driving or walking near a truck, always stay alert and please do not approach the vehicle or the automated side arm.

Curbside Collection - Recycling Tips

Curbside Collection Schedule 

Collection Schedule Map

Collection will be conducted on a bi-weekly basis. Garbage and recycling collection occurs on the same as your existing pick-up, but on alternating weeks. Please refer to the Curbside Collection Schedule below for your scheduled day.

Area 1 - Monday

North Boundary | South Side of Hwy.65 East
South Boundary | Lake Temiskaming
West Boundary | Wabi River
East Boundary | West of Robin Street

Area 2 - Tuesday 

North Boundary | Radley Hill Road
South Boundary | Little Street
West Boundary | East Side of Firstbrook Line Road
East Boundary | Lake Temiskaming

Area 3 - Wednesday 

North Boundary | South of Whitewood Avenue
South Boundary | North Side of Radley Hill Road
West Boundary | East Side of Shepherdson Road
East Boundary | Lake Temiskaming 

Area 4 - Thursday 

North Boundary | South Side of Little Street
South Boundary | South Limit Temiskaming Shores
West Boundary | Quarry Road
East Boundary | Lake Temiskaming

Area 5 - Wednesday

North Boundary | South Side of Uno Park Road
South Boundary | South Limit Dawson Point Road
West Boundary | East Side of Pipeline Road
East Boundary | West Side of Sales Barn Road

Area 6 - Friday

North Boundary | Wabi River
South Boundary | Whitewood Avenue
West Boundary | Hwy.65 West / Hwy.11
East Boundary | Lake Temiskaming


Reduce Waste 

Excess garbage or recyclable material beside your cart will not be picked up. If you have excess material:

  • Store it so it can be picked up during the next collection period.

  • Cut up or breakdown oversized items.
  • Dispose of your garbage at the City of Temiskaming Shores landfill site.

  • Reduce your waste by:

    • Avoiding purchasing items with excess packaging.
    • Avoid purchasing single-use and disposable products, and use refillable or reusable containers.
    • Remove your name from mailing lists of materials you no longer wish to receive.
    • Do not throw away items that can be reused or donated.
    • Maximize waste diversion by using the recycling program to the fullest.
    • Bring your own bags when you shop.
Animal Prevention 

For animal resistance consider: 

  • Keeping your garbage containers inside a garage or a shed.
  • Placing your garbage at the curb or roadside by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day, not the previous evening.
  • If you are unable to place the containers inside, regularly wash to help reduce odors.
  • The hard plastic cover on the bins prevents dogs and other animals from opening and reaching the contents.

Winter Collection 

Winter weather conditions create challenges for the collection of waste. During extreme weather conditions, your garbage and recycling collection may be delayed; however, Phippen Waste Management will do their best to ensure regular collection schedules remain on time.

  • It may be necessary to change the regular placement of your rollout bins after a snowfall.
  • Garbage and recycling bins that are damaged due to snow removal equipment can be replaced by contacting: 
    Phone | 705-672-2733 Ext. 4141

Safety Tip | Please use extra care when using the rollout garbage and Recycling bins in slippery conditions caused by snow and/or ice. 

Tips - Winter Placement 

Avoid placing the bins out the night before, and remove bins from the road as soon as possible to avoid obstacles for snowplows, which often operate throughout the night and early morning to clear roads. 

Resident Responsibility
  • Clear the bins of snow and ice to ensure the lid opens when emptied.
  • Make the bin accessible and visible to the collector.
Roads without Sidewalks / Sidewalks not Maintained throughout the Winter.

Place garbage and recycling bins no more than 3 feet back from the road edge after a snowfall, to facilitate snow removal operations and to avoid damage to rollout bins.

Roads with Winter Maintained Sidewalks.

Place bins directly behind the curb the morning of your collection day. This placement reduces safety risks associated with extending the automated sidearm across the sidewalk, and to ensure the safety of pedestrians using the sidewalk.

Place bins for collection at an unobstructed site.
  • The bins should be no closer than 3 feet from any obstacle, not obstructing the street (snowbanks, mailboxes, hydro poles, telephone poles, parked vehicles, etc.) 
  • Keep bins off the travelled portion of the roadway to eliminate interference with snowplows. Do not place bins in a location where the snowplow may hit them. 
  • Do not place bins behind or on-top of snowbanks. 
  • Phippen Waste Management will position your bin in the preferable location for pick-up. Please place your rollout bins in this location for future collections. 

View or print a copy of the above Winter Placement Tips. 

English  French

Holiday Collection 

No curbside collection will be made on the following Statutory holidays, (unless an emergency or exceptional situation, as deemed by the City, arises and collection must occur on a holiday) which fall on normal collection days. When a normal curbside collection day falls on a holiday, the collection will be made 1 day later.

  • New Year's Day
  • Family Day
  • Good Friday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • Civic Holiday
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

For additional information on Facility Holiday Schedule, visit the City News and Notice page.

Family Day - Monday, February 17, 2025


General Information 

Recyclables placed in non-approved containers will not be collected. Please do not use cardboard boxes or grocery bags as containers. Place items loosely in your recycle bin.

Do not bag your mixed recyclables in plastic bags. Any items received at the sorting facility in garbage or grocery bags are considered non-recyclable materials, as these bags are not opened and the contents are not sorted. 

Exception | Shredded paper, place and tie shredded paper in a clear plastic bag. 

Acceptable Materials - Beverage and Food Containers 

 Rinse clean and recycle.

  • All Plastics No. 1-7 (margarine, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, yogurt, pudding, apple sauce containers)
  • Clamshell containers (hinged, clear plastic containers used for food items such as berries and take-out)

  • Clear fruit and vegetable containers

  • Clear take-out food containers

  • Clear molded bakery item trays, egg cartons

  • Disposable plastic plates and glasses

  • Cold beverage cups/lids

  • Plastic bottles and jugs (lids on)

  • Milk cartons

  • Juice Box (juice, drinks, soup, broth) 

  • Glass bottles and jars

  • Metal cans

  • Cardboard cans (frozen juice, refrigerated dough, chips, nuts, powdered drink mix)

  • Aluminum (cans, trays, burner liners, pie plates, roasting pans)

  • Blister packaging (gum and lozenges)

Acceptable Materials - Home and Personal Product Containers 

Rinse clean and recycle.

  • Plastic bottles and tubs - lids and sprayers screwed on tight (shampoo, detergent, fabric softener) 

  • Prescription bottles (empty)

  • Plastic kitty litter tubs with plastic handle

  • Aerosol cans (empty)

  • Clear compact disk cases (empty)

  • Plastic gift cards

Acceptable Materials - Foam Polystyrene and Plastic Retail Shopping Bags 

Rinse clean and recycle.

  • Styrofoam food containers and protective packaging (drinking cups, egg cartons, meat trays, takeout food containers, electronics packaging). Ensure to remove the absorbent pad from styrofoam meat trays. 

  • Plastic bags - grocery, shopping, dry cleaning, bread bags, vegetable/fruit bags, milk bags (outer and rinsed inner bag) -Place all plastic bags loosely in your blue bin. Please do not combined the bags.

  • Plastic outer wrap from packages (paper towels, cases of water)

  • Bubbled plastic packaging

Acceptable Materials - Cardboard and Paper

Not contaminated with food or chemicals.

  • Bags, rolls, junk mail, writing/computer paper, envelopes, window envelopes, envelopes with padding

  • Shredded paper (put in clear plastic bag and tie closed)

  • Gift wrap, cards (no ribbons, bows, foil wrap)

  • Newspapers, flyers, telephone directories, magazines, catalogues, books (hardcover removed)

  • Boxboard boxes (cereal, tissue, detergent, egg cartons - flatten and remove liners)

  • Corrugated cardboard (clean and flattened - pizza boxes must be empty)

Unacceptable Materials 

  • Organic material (food scraps, diapers, animal waste)

  • Used/soiled paper or plastic plates and utensils

  • Hazardous waste: propane/helium tanks & cylinders, batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs (Must not be put in recycling or garbage; take to annual Orange Drop Event.)

  • Medical waste: needles are hazardous waste (Must not be put in garbage; take to annual Orange Drop event).

  • Auto parts, tools, extension cords

  • Clothes, shoes, carpets, curtains, bedding

  • Electronics (take to the Electronic Waste Recycling Bin)

  • Small Appliances (coffee makers, microwaves)

  • Plastic: squeeze tubes for home and personal products (hair, body), caulking tubes, food storage containers, motor oil jugs

  • Large plastics (pool covers, tarps, pools, toys)

  • Binders (three ring), clipboards

  • Hoses

  • Glass (drinking glasses, dishes, cups, crystal, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery)

  • Metal (scrap metal, coat hangers, pots, pans)

  • Wood (pieces, flooring, crates for fruit)

  • Yard Waste (grass clippings, tree limbs, leaves)

Frequently Asked Questions 

 Should I empty out bottles and cans?
Yes. Please pour out leftover liquid from bottles and cans, and rinse food from containers, especially from nut butter, mayonnaise and sauce containers.

Should I remove the lid from my plastic bottle?
No. The plastic lid is recyclable.

Are paper towels, tissues, and napkins recyclable?
No. These items are considered to be used / soiled and are not accepted at the Material Recovery Facility.

Is aluminum foil recyclable?
Yes. Sheets of aluminum foil are recyclable along with other aluminum containers, such as pie pans and lids from some carry-out restaurants. Please rinse off all food prior to placing in bin. Greasy and/or food-laden aluminum trays from grills or other cooking are not acceptable. Please put aluminum contaminated with grease and/or food in the trash.


Acceptable Material 

Organic Material

Organic materials includes materials that will breakdown naturally and turn into compost.

  • Food craps
  • Diapers
  • Animal waste
  • Soiled paper food containers
Yard Waste 
  • Leaves
  • Grass clippings
  • Trees (excluding root balls)
  • Garden roots and cuttings
  • Hedge and shrub trimmings
  • Brush cuttings
  • Twigs and branches
  • Natural Christmas Trees, decorations removed

Unacceptable Material 

Garbage placed in non-approved containers will not be collected. Please do not use cardboard boxes or grocery bags as containers. Items not collected at the curb include:

  • Construction or demolition materials, such as shingles, drywall, tiles, concrete, bricks and large amounts of wood (take to landfill).

  • Household hazardous waste (take to the annual orange drop event).

  • Tires and automotive parts (take to landfill)

  • TV`s, Computers (take to Electronic Recycling Bin, located at the landfill)

  • Large Articles, such as Barbeques, Mattresses, Furniture (take to landfill)


General Information 

The City of Temiskaming Shores is pleased to announce that after many years of obtaining Ministry approval, the New Liskeard Landfill is ready to commence operation. The landfill will have a new fresh look and process with the inclusion of a scale deck and sorting area with disposal bins. Only Contractors and users with dump trailers will be permitted to dispose of waste at the face of the landfill. 

Location | 704165 Rockley Road, New Liskeard, Ontario

Hours of Operation 

The landfill is operated and maintained through a contract with Phippen Waste Management with the following operating hours:
Tuesday to Saturday | 9:00 a.m. to 4:30p.m.
Monday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays | Closed

Be courteous and allow sufficient time to unload garbage prior to closing time of 4:30 p.m. Please do not show up at 4:20 p.m. with a large load.

If a Statutory Holiday falls on a Monday, the next day Tuesday will be recognized as the Statutory Holiday and the landfill will be closed.

For additional information on Facility Holiday Schedule, visit the City News and Notice page.

Family Day - Monday, February 17, 2025

Fee Schedule 

A revenue analysis of the current Tipping Fee Schedule for the New Liskeard Landfill was recently presented to Council. To ensure revenue is consistent with the former Haileybury Landfill, Council approved a staged increase to certain categories.

The first increase will come into effect on August 1, 2024 with the second increase to come into effect on January 1, 2025. 

August 1, 2024 - New Liskeard Landfill Tipping Fees

New Tipping Fee Schedule based upon weight instead of volume. All fees are payable to the scale house attendant at the Landfill site at the time of waste disposal. New payment methods are now available: 

  • Cash
  • Debit
  • Credit Card
  • Pre-approved accounts

2024 Landfill Tipping Fees

Weigh Station and Sorting Area

All users must go over the weigh station and check-in with the attendant. Only contractors and users with dump trailers will be permitted to dispose of waste at the face of the Landfill.

How to use the Weigh Station  
  1. Before arriving to the Landfill sort your load into waste categories so that you can easily deposit your waste in the proper areas.
  2. Arrive at the Landfill via the entrance lane, and wait in queue at the gate entrance. 
  3. Cross the weigh station in your vehicle to be weighed in and report to the scale house attendant.
  4. Dispose of waste in appropriate waste disposal bin(s).
  5. Cross the weigh station again to be weighed out and provide payment. Vehicles are charged a Tipping Fee on exit based on the weight of the load and waste category.

If you have more than one waste category, you must separately weigh-in and out, each category or pay the highest Tipping Fee rate. We encourage all users to bring one waste category per visit.


2023 - Haileybury Waste Disposal Site - Annual ground water and surface water monitoring report

2023 - New Liskeard Waste Disposal Site - Annual ground water and surface water monitoring report

Free Tipping Fee Voucher Program 


The City of Temiskaming Shores is introducing a Free Tipping Fee Voucher Program. The purpose of this program is to provide residential taxpayers the opportunity to take advantage of free tipping fees at the New Liskeard Landfill.  The Free Tipping Fee Voucher Program will be replacing the bi-annual Amnesty Program.
Voucher Guidelines
  • Each residence is entitled to 2 free vouchers on an annual basis.
  • Each voucher is valid for 2 cubic yards of waste (equivalent to one 1/2 ton truckload.
  • The appropriate tipping fee will apply for all loads exceeding this amount.
  • Tipping fees remain applicable for prohibited waste.
  • Surcharge fee remains appliable for white goods containing freon gas or ozone depleting substance.
  • Vouchers are valid anytime throughout the calendar year in which they were received(previous years vouchers will not be accepted).
Voucher Qualifications
  • Must be a resident of the City of Temiskaming Shores.
  • Residents are to supply a copy of their tax bill/proof of residency or a letter of authorization from the taxpayer/landlord to obtain the vouchers.
  • ICI establishments are not eligible.
Voucher Location
  • Vouchers are to be picked up at City Hall, 325 Farr Drive, Haileybury.
  • A copy of the tax bill/proof of residency or letter of authorization will be required.
Letter of Authorization.
  • A letter of authorization must be completed each calendar year before receipt of voucher is permitted.
  • Owner authorization forms are available in the "Documents" section or at City Hall.

For questions or concerns please contact the Environmental Services Department at:
Phone | 705-672-3363 x 4132
Email | sburnett@temiskmaingshores.ca


Owner Authorization Form 

Sample Voucher

Other Programs and Services  

Amnesty Program (Spring Clean-up Program) 

The Amnesty Program has been cancelled and replaced with the Free Tipping Fee Voucher Program

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

The City of Temiskaming Shores Annual HHW Collection Event

View or print a copy of the event poster

June 1, 2024 - HHW Event 

HHW items must never be put in recycling or garbage.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event is a recycling program aimed at keeping hazardous and special waste materials out of Ontario’s landfills and waterways. The program allows residents to dispose of their HHW in a proper manner. Proper disposal of HHW means taking these items to the annual Orange Drop event. Commercial hazardous or special waste in NOT accepted. 

For information on the type of materials accepted visit Orange Drop:


Acceptable HHW
  • Propane Tanks
  • Batteries
  • Pesticides
  • Oil
  • Fluorescent Tubes
  • Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Electronic Recycling 

Electronic Recycling items are not accepted in recycling or garbage curbside pickup. 

An electronic waste recycling bin is located at the landfill site.

Acceptable items:

  • Display Devices (Monitors & Televisions)
  • Desktop Computers
  • Portable Computers
  • Computer Peripherals
  • Printing, Copying & Multifunction Devices
  • Telephone & Answering Machines
  • Cellular Devices & Pagers
  • Home Theatres (Equalizers, Amplifiers, Speakers, Tuners & Turntables)
  • Aftermarket Vehicle Audio & Video Devices
  • Image, Audio and Video Devices

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the Waste Diversion Rate based on?

The waste diversion rate is per residential dwelling unit, according to The City's Assessment and Taxation records.

Can residential property owners opt out of the enhanced waste management program?

It is the intention of the City of Temiskaming Shores to have all of its residents participate in the program, to ensure that all appropriate material is being diverted from our landfill. 

Do I purchase the recycling and garbage bins?

Every household within the City of Temiskaming Shores, is supplied with 2 rollout bins each designed for automated pick-up.

  • a 65 gallon bin for garbage 
  • a 95 gallon bin for recyclable materials,

In 2015, a Waste Diversion Rate was introduced as a separate line item (similarly to the Water and Sewer Rate found under "Special Charges" on the Tax Bill), and the rate has been based on a per residential unit basis.  Therefore, there will be no additional fees or charges for the garbage and recycling bins.

Do I own the garbage and recycling bins?

The bins will belong to the property, not the homeowners.

I am a property owner with renters. What does this mean for me?

You are responsible for: 

  • Ensuring the bins are available for your tenants.
  • The Waste Diversion Rate, if the property bill is in your name.
  • Multi-residence owners between 2-4 residential units will be supplied with rollout recycle and garbage bins.
  • Multi-residence owners between 5-7 residential units will be supplied with "dumpster style" bins.
  • Multi-residence owners with more than 7 residential units will be responsible to provide waste management services for their tenants.

Are the bins durable and easy to maneuver?

  • The garbage and recyclables bin are flexible and are proven to hold their shape even after years of service.
  • The bins are constructed to withstand an automated collection system and are easy to roll even with heavy loads.
  • The reinforced top lip adds strength and rigidity as do the double drag rail and reinforced bottom.
  • The specially designed wide ground-hugging base helps keep these carts upright and stable.

Are black/green garbage bags required to hold garbage in the bin?

You have the option of:

  • Placing your garbage in a regular sized garbage bag and then into the bin
  • Put smaller, "kitchen catcher" bags of garbage into the bin, eliminating the need to continually purchase large garbage bags.

What if I don't produce enough waste to fill the garbage or recycling bin every two weeks?

You have the option of waiting until your garbage or recycling bin is full before setting it out for collection.

Public Notices

 Changes in Landfill Operations - October 2024

 French Translation 

Closing Permanently
Haileybury Landfill - Dump Road off Highway 11
Saturday October 14, 2023 @ 4:30p.m.

New Liskeard Landfill - 704165 Rockley Road
Tuesday October 17, 2023 @ 9:00a.m.

The City of Temiskaming Shores is pleased to announce that after many years of obtaining Ministry approval, the New Liskeard Landfill is ready to commence operation. The landfill will have a new fresh look and process with the inclusion of a scale deck and sorting area with disposal bins. Only Contractors and users with dump trailers will be permitted to dispose of waste at the face of the landfill.

  • New Scale Deck and sorting area!
  • New Tipping Fees Schedule Based Upon Weight instead of Volume!
  • Do not mix Categories of waste—The highest tipping fee will apply for mixed categories!

These changes in operation may result in additional time required to deposit waste at the landfill. We ask that all users please plan accordingly and be understanding as the operational changes are new to everyone.

For questions or concerns please contact the City Hall Office.